Seed Potatoes

Seed Potatoes

Grow your own potatoes this season.

£5.49 per bag. Buy any 3 for £15

Now in stock

From now until around April we have seed potatoes for sale. These can be successfully grown in the garden or allotment but also, if space is an issue, in pots on a patio. There are several varieties of potatoes and they are classified into three main groups, first earlies, second earlies and main crop. This refers to when the potatoes will mature.

Before planting it is advantageous to chit seed potatoes as it increases yield. Chitting is the process of laying out your potatoes in a cool, light (not sunny), frost free position and allowing shoots (about a half to one inch in length) to develop. When it comes to planting them, late March for first earlies, take care not to remove any of these newly formed shoots.

We have 33 varieties of seed potatoes on sale this season.

All nets are 2kg when packed and retail at £5.49 per bag or buy any 3 for £15.00



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