Shrubs and Trees

Shrubs and Trees form the bones of the garden and careful consideration should be given to their selection.

A common mistake made is to buy a plant which is not suitable for the ground conditions or size of the garden. It makes good sense to check on the soil type needed, location required and mature size of the plant before purchasing. This information is generally on most shrub and tree labels and commonly shows flowering time, when to prune, conditions needed and a mature height/size. Usually this height is shown as 10yrs old.
When buying trees and shrubs for your garden it’s a good idea to think about what will be flowering in different seasons. If you choose carefully you can have all year interest from flowers, berries and foliage colour. Evergreen shrubs and trees have their place in a garden with their year round colour as do deciduous trees with some displaying tremendous autumn foliage colours.
We have a good selection of ornamental trees and shrubs in stock and are always happy to give advice on plant selection. If we haven’t the particular plant you are looking for we will happily try to source one for you.

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