
Roses are a beautiful sight and in the summer months their heavenly sent hangs in the air of gardens throughout the country. There are literally hundreds of varieties of roses and you’re sure to be able to find several that will suit your garden.

There are several groups of roses of which the following are the most popular.

Hybrid tea roses, these medium to large flowered roses have long flower stems that bear a single large flower of tightly formed petals many varieties of which are highly scented. There is a tremendous range of colours and beautiful names of this classic flower available.
Floribunda roses, these roses as the name suggests bear their flowers in clusters and are slightly smaller than hybrid teas. Several flowers in each cluster open together producing a fantastic long lasting display throughout the summer.
Patio roses grow to about 50cm to 100cm in height. They tend to have smaller flowers which form in clusters like the floribundas. They are a good choice for growing in containers and in borders. Planting these for example in a bed surrounding a bay window provides a low maintenance beautiful display.
Climbers and rambling roses do as their name suggests. Climbers will need to be trained and supported as they grow. This group of roses tend to have a shorter flowering period.

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